Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2000 • VOLUME 6 • №1


A.I. Kirienko, V.Yu. Bogachev, I.A. Zoiotukhin
Chair of Faculty Surgery and Surgical Phlebology, Russian State Medical University,
Moscow, Russia

In the present work the first results of the application of echosclerotherapy, a new method for the treatment of varicosis are described. The method lies in the use of the phlebosclerosing treatment under permanent control over the procedure by ultrasound angioscanning with color imaging of the blood flow. Echovisualization enables an accurate an accurate puncturing of a varicose vein and observation over injection of a sclerodrug. This substantially raises the safety of sclerotherapy and ensures a good clinical effect. Twenty-two patients were treated according to the method described. None of the patients showed the development of postinjection cutaneous necroses or thrombophlebitis. No disease recurrence was noted over the follow-up period as long as 1.5 years.

KEY WORDS: treatment of varicosis are described, echosclerotherapy.

P. 48

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