Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2009 • VOLUME 15 • №4

Successful brachial replantation in a child after a traction-type traumatic amputation

Asamov R.E., Akhmedov R.A., Minaev T.R., Nizov O.N., Musaev T.S.

Department of Vascular Surgery and Microsurgery Republican Scientific Centre for Emergency Medical Care under the Public Health Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The article deals with certain aspects of managing patients presenting with extremital bone-and-vascular injuries known for utter severity and a high incidence rate of postoperative complications. Suggested herein, as the authors believe, is an optimal for both the patient and surgeon policy of emergency reconstruction. Emphasis is placed on the necessity to follow a certain sequence while restoring the anatomical structures destroyed. The conclusions drawn include compulsorily considering a possibility to spare the damaged segment, followed by restoring adequate blood circulation and prevention of wound infection, carrying out osteosynthesis with obligatory shortening of the bones, and postponing orthopaedic measures for the remote postoperative period. Also presented in the article is a photograph-illustrated clinical case report of a successful brachial replantation.

KEY WORDS: bone-and-vascular injury, traumatic amputation, replantation of a large segment, osteosynthesis, microsurgery, limb ischaemia, reperfusion syndrome, limb function.

P. 135

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