Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2012 • VOLUME 18 • №2

Neuroprotective effect of ischemic postconditioning and remote preconditioning. Prospective of clinical use

Maslov L.N., Lishmanov Yu.B.

Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology of SB of RAM,
Togmsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Rssia

Ischemic postconditioning enhances brain and spinal cord tolerance to ischemia and reperfusion. There are no clinical data on the neuroprotective effect of postconditioning. It was established that foregoing effect of ischemic postconditioning depended upon an activation of PKCs, ERK, Akt kinases and a decrease in the activity of JNK kinase. Superoxide dismutase, Bax, Bal-2 and HSP proteins may be the end effector of postconditioning. Postconditioning phenomenon is mimicked by norepinephrine, diazoxide, sevoflurane, isoflurane and propofol. It is unknown before whether these pharmacological agents prevent brain reperfusion injury in human. Remote preconditioning improves brain and spinal cord tolerance to ischemic and reperfusion damages. There are no data on the neuroprotective effect of remote preconditioning in human at ischemic insult. The endogenous cannabinoids, reactive oxygen species are triggers of remote preconditioning. The neuroprotective effect of preconditioning at distance is depended on the activation of p38, ERK kinases and is attributed to enhancement of HSP-70 protein synthesis.

KEY WORDS: brain, ischemia, reperfusion, postconditioning, remote preconditioning.

P. 27-34

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