Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2013 • VOLUME 19 • №3

Upper thoracic sympathectomy in treatment of upper limb ischaemia in distal lesions of the arterial bed

Alukhanyan O.A., Martirosyan Kh.G., Aristov D.S., Kurgansky O.V.

Chair of Angiology, Ambulatory and Vascular Surgery of the Advanced Medical Training Department, Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russia

Analysed herein was efficacy of 76 videothoracoscopic upper chest sympathectomies performed for upper limb ischaemia in a total of 61 patients. Of these, 15 patients were found to suffer bilateral lesions. The findings of clinical follow up and instrumental examinations (laser Doppler flowmetry, rheovasography, measuring transcranial oxygen tension in tissues) made it possible to draw a conclusion on efficacy of upper chest sympathectomy in distal lesions of the vascular bed of the upper extremities.

KEY WORDS: sympathectomy, upper limb ischaemia.

P. 128

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