Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2014 • VOLUME 20 • №2

Efficacy of intravenous iloprost (Ilomedin®) in salvage of the only extremity in a patient with thrombangiitis obliterans

Gaisin I.R.1, Bagautdinova Z.R.2, Trukhina A.A.2, Burlaeva N.A.2, Gibadullina L.R.2, Timonin D.V.2, Smirnov I.A.2, Maksimov N.I.1

1) Izhevsk State Medical Academy of the RF Public Health Ministry,
2) Republican Clinical Diagnostic Centre of the Public Health Ministry of the Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, Russia

Buerger’s disease, or thromboangiitis obliterans, is a severe invalidating systemic vascular disease. The present article deals with a clinical case report concerning treatment of a patient suffering from thromboangiitis obliterans with three limbs amputated (on the background of therapy with alprostadil, Karavanov’s mixture, rheopolyglukin, pentoxyphyllin). The course intravenous administration of the stable analogue of prostacyclin – iloprost (IlomedinR) made it possible to save the only extremity.

KEY WORDS: Buerger’s disease, iloprost.

P. 156

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