Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2015 • VOLUME 21 • №2

Review of the proceedings of the congress "Controversies and updates in vascular surgery" (Paris, France, january 22-24, 2015)

Kalmykov E.L.

National Scientific Centre of Transplantation for Human Organs and Tissues, Health Ministry of the Republic of Tajikistan

The article is a brief review of the papers presented at the Congress "Controversies and Updates in Vascular Surgery" – CACVS held in Paris (France) on January 22-24, 2015. An emphasis is placed upon the problems of open and endovascular interventions for aortic aneurysms, lower-limb ischaemia, infection in vascular surgery, pathology of the venous system, choosing an approach for endovascular operations and a vascular access for haemodialysis.

KEY WORDS: congress, vascular surgery, ischaemia, venous pathology, vascular access, infection, aneurysm.


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