Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2021 • VOLUME 27 • №1

Catheter-directed thrombolysis in iliofemoral thrombosis and aplasia of the inferior vena cava

Chernykh K.P.1, Kazantsev A.N.1, Andreichuk K.A.2, Chernykh A.P.3, Kalinin E.Yu.1, Chikin A.E.1, Bagdavadze G.Sh.1, Zaitseva T.E.1, Linits Yu.P.1

1) Department of Surgery №3, Alexandrovskaya Hospital,
2) Department of Vascular Surgery, All-Russian Centre of Emergency and Radiation Medicine named after A.M. Nikiforov under the EMERCOM of Russia,
3) Municipal Polyclinic №54, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Demonstrated in the article are the results of catheter-directed thrombolysis in a male patient presenting with bilateral acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis on the background of aplasia of the inferior vena cava. The incidence rate of this pathology is specified, with an emphasis on no recommendations on choosing optimal therapeutic strategy in this cohort of patients. The main causes and complications of the disease are described.

The realized policy of revascularization demonstrated its safety and efficacy. The chosen method of correction resulted in a successful outcome of treatment, preventing phlegmasia cerulea dolens. This policy can be recommended as most preferred for patients with acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis on the background of aplasia of the inferior venal cava.

KEY WORDS: aplasia of the inferior vena cava, acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis, lower extremity deep vein thrombosis, thrombolysis, phlegmasia cerulea dolens.

P. 95

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