Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2021 • VOLUME 27 • №1

Advantages of profundoplasty in patients with lower limb critical ischaemia in redo operations

Gavrilenko A.V.1,2, Kotov A.E.1, Mamedova N.M.1, Wang Xiaochen2

1) Department of Vascular Surgery, B.V. Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery,
2) Department of Hospital Surgery, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Our study was aimed at determining advantages of profundoplasty in patients with critical ischaemia of lower limbs in repeat arterial reconstructions. It included a total of 56 patients subjected to redo operations for thrombosis of a femoropopliteal bypass graft. Of these, 29 underwent profundoplasty (group I) and 27 repeat femoropopliteal bypass grafting (group II). Critical ischaemia was relieved in the early postoperative period in 28 (97%) and 24 (89%) patients of group I and II, respectively. The 3-year patency rate after profundoplasty amounted to 100% and after femoropopliteal bypass grafting to 47% (p<0.05). The lower-limb amputation rates over the 3-year period of follow up amounted to 3 (10%) and 11 (41%), p<0.05, respectively. Over the 3-year period of follow up, there was no statistically significant difference in the values of the ankle-brachial index (p>0.05).

KEY WORDS: obliterating atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries, reconstructive operations, thrombosis of the zone of reconstruction, plasty of the deep femoral artery, profundoplasty, femoropopliteal bypass grafting.

P. 119

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