Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons (RCAVS)
Established in 1985, RCAVS now has over 500 members in Russia, CIS and other countries.
The objective of the website is to provide vascular surgeons and angiologists with information about RCAVS and its conferences, and to let any interested parties follow the latest developments in vascular surgery in Russia in the first place and also in other countries. The website will provide full details about developments in Russian angiology and selected data on most important developments in angiology in other countries.
For the first time the world wide web features a website of the Russian Association of Vascular Surgeons in Training (RAVST).
You will find links links to European and American associations of vascular surgeons.
In the Advanced Training рsection medical professionals will find information about the Clinical Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department of the Russian Postgraduate Medical Academy under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and timetables of advanced training courses
Until recently a journal was the key mouthpiece of the Association. Here you will find information about the journal, its archive and selected articles.
We hope that everyone, not only medical professionals, will be able to find useful information at our website. We are planning to provide general information about main types of vascular pathologies for everyone to be able to educate themselves in this field. Patients may get medical advice online.
We also hope that our efforts will help to meet the needs of all visitors to our website. Welcome!