Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

1998 • VOLUME 4 • №3-4


E.B. Fitileva, R.A. Serov, L.A. Yurpolskaya
Department of Aortal and Major Vessels Surgery, Laboratory of Pathomorphology, A.N. Bakulev Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery, Russian Academy of Medical Sciencies,
Moscow, Russia

The long-term outcome of vascular reconstructive surgery and further maintenance of adequate blood flow depend upon the patient management in early and late post operative period. According to Wright et al. [1] early reoperation rate varies from 8% to 12%, the late is about 20%. Authors describe two time peaks ofreoperations: 30-60 days and 9 months after first surgical intervention. The origin of restenoses is still unclear, together with bleeding it is thought to be the cause of repeat surgery. The major originative role is as signed to hemodynamics related to anastomose geometry, impairment degree of vascular bed. Homeostasis disturbances and proliferation manifestation also play an important role [2,3]. Reperfusion is accom ponied by activation oflipidper-oxidation, calcium and free radicals abundant influx that provoke cell damage and proliferation [4-9]. The review is aimed to analyse briefly the li-ter- ature concerning with reperfusion morphologic components and possible pathogenesis of restenosis formation.

P. 149

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