Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

1999 • VOLUME 5 • №1


Stansby G., Lintott P.
Academic Surgical and Vascular Units,
St. Mary's Hospital Imperial College Medical School,
London, UK

Venous disorders are very common. It is estima-ted that up to 25% of women and 10% of men will develop simple varicose veins 1% of the population will develop a chronic venous leg ulcer at some time and chronic venous insufficiency is the commonest cause of chronic leg ulceration in western civilisation. Most venous leg ulcers can be healed with medical treatment but the recurrence rate is very high. New techniques such as SEPS, which may help prevent or cure venous ulceration, therefore, may have enormous financial as well as clinical implications.

P. 34-40

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