Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2001 • VOLUME 7 • №1
V.I. Prokubovsky, S.A. Kapranov, A.S. Solonko
Federal Centre of Roentgenosurgical Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment, RF Ministry of Public Health,
Chair of Faculty Surgery, Russian State Medical University
Moscow, Russia
Between 1996 and 1999, 26 patients with embologenic thrombi of the inferior vena cava underwent non-traditional endovascular interventions to prevent pulmonary artery thromboembolism: 1) distal bringing down an inferior vena caval thrombus by the Dotter basket with cava filter placement (two patients); 2) endovascular catheter thrombectomy of a thrombus grown on above the cava filter followed by second filter placement (two patients); 3) cava filter placement under combined ultrasound and x-ray guidance without using a contrast medium (three patients); 4) placement of retrievable cava filters to the suprarenal inferior vena cava followed by evacuation of two of them (three cases); 5) placement of retrievable cava filters to the iliac veins (three patients); 6) correction of the cava filter position (13 patients) and endovascular bringing down or evacuation of the filters after proximal migration of three (11.54%) of them. In all the cases, the follow up of the patients for one to eight months failed to reveal any signs of the origin or recurrence of pulmonary artery thromboembolism or any complications due to non-traditional endovascular interventions.
KEY WORDS: endovascular surgery, pulmonary artery thromboembolism.
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