Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2004 • VOLUME 10 • №1
F.Sh. Bakhritdinov, Sh.M. Kamilov, A.V. Trynkin, S.A. Babadzhanov, V. Vakhidov
Scientific Center of Surgery,
Tashkent, Republic .of Uzbekistan
Between September 1999 and until the present time 14 direct myocardial revascularization using arterial conduits were performed at the Department of Vascular Surgery and Surgical Treatment of CAD, V.Vakhidov Scientific Center of Surgery, RU Ministry of Public Health. The internal mammary artery was used in all the cases, right gastroomental artery in 2 cases. Revascularization of one coronary artery was accomplished in 2 patients, of two arteries in 8 and of three coronary arteries in 4 patients. In 12 cases, direct myocardial revascularization was realized on the working heart and in 2 cases, under cardiopulmonary bypass. Ischemic changes on the ECG at rest, recorded in the preoperative period, disappeared following operation. In all the patients, myocardial contractility (EF) after operation rose by 6-8% on an average as compared to the initial level. Physical exercise tolerance was measured by BEM in 6 (42.9%) patients. Angina of effort, FC II, was diagnosed only in 2 patients. All the patients were discharged in a satisfactory condition. Only patients with unstable angina were recommended to take long-acting nitrates whereas the remaining subjects were advised to take the antiaggregation doses of aspirin.
KEY WORDS: coronary artery bypass grafting, myocardial revascularization, coronary artery disease.
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