Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2004 • VOLUME 10 • №1


M.Ya. Kagan-Ponomarev
Laboratory for Clinical Problems of Atherosclerosis, A.L. Myasnikov Institute of Clinical Cardiology, Russian Scientific Cardiology Complex,
RF Ministry of Public Health,
Moscow, Russia

This paper discusses the potential pathogenetic mechanisms by which the damaging action of hyperhomocysteinemia on the vessels is realized, namely a negative effect on the structure and function of the vessel wall, on proliferation of smooth muscle cells and endothelium-dependent vasodilatation; on the processes of blood cell interaction with the vessel wall (adhesion of monocytes, platelet adhesion and aggregation, etc): prothrombogenic action on the coagulation system, and effect of homocysteine on adenosine concentration in plasma and tissues.

KEY WORDS: homocysteine, pathogenetic mechanisms, adenosine deficientcy.

P. 45

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