Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2005 • VOLUME 11 • №1
V.I. Shevtsov, V.S. Bunov
Laboratory of Open Trauma, Microsurgery and Angiology, G.A. Ilizarov Russian Scientific Center "Reconstructive Traumatology and Orthopedics",
Kurgan, Russia
This paper describes one of the mechanisms of the effect of bone tunneling on limb circulation.
The study was carried out in 33 adult mongrel dogs with the leg length measuring 10 to 12 cm. The tunneling of tibial bone diaphysis was performed using 1.8-mm-diameter wire. Measurements were the made of the pressure in the bone diaphyseal cavity. Medullography was accomplished over time.
It has been revealed that the growth in the size of the compact substance defect led to the lowering of the pressure in the bone diaphyseal cavity associated with its stabilization at a new level. After the healing of the bone defects the pressure was restored. Medullography performed over time has demonstrated that the substrate filling the compact substance defects prior to their healing is permeable for aqueous solutions. This allowed the conclusion that the cause of pressure lowering was translocation of the interstitial fluid from the diaphyseal cavity to the bone-surrounding tissue. To replenish the amount of the interstitial fluid, filtration from the vascular bed of the diaphyseal cavity was increased providing for pressure stabilization.
KEY WORDS: hemodynamics, bone diaphysis, medullography.
P. 122
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