Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2005 • VOLUME 11 • №1
Jyrki Virkkunen, Juha Lavonen, Anna-Lisa Kankainen, Juha-Pekka Salenius, Heikki Riekkinen
Department of Surgery, Central Hospital of Central Finland,
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Central Hospital of Central Finland,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
Department of Surgery, Tampere University Hospital,
Tampere, Finland
Background: To compare the extent of angiographically detected stenoses in different segments of the lower leg arteries in diabetics and nondiabetics.
Methods: The study group consisted of 60 nondiabetic and 38 diabetic patients with lower extremity disease and no previous vascular interventions. Arterial lesions were analysed by digital subtraction angiography (DSA). The patients were evaluated by walking distance and ankle-brachial index (ABI) and the reason for hospitalization was recorded.
Results: Statistically significantly fewer stenoses were found in the superficial femoral artery in diabetics than in nondiabetics. Although a tendency to more diffuse changes in crural arteries was found, no statistically significant difference were found in other segments of the lower leg arteries apart from the femoral arteries.
Conclusions: Judging from the present results there are fewer angiographically detectable stenoses in the superficial arteries in diabetics than nondiabetics.
KEY WORDS: Diabetes, peripheral arterial occlusive disease, angiography.
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