Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2008 • VOLUME 14 • №1
Kudryavtseva Yu.A., Zinchenko S.S., Zhuravleva I.Yu., Ivanov S.V., Barbarash L.S.
Research and Production Problem Laboratory of Cardiovascular Reconstructive Surgery with a clinic under the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,
Kemerovo, Russia
The authors have carried out a comparative analysis of the interaction between two types of suture material with blood components, as well as studied the effect of heparinmediated modification on the sorption and contactactivating processes in the zone of the anastomosis. The bloodcompatible properties of the latter was assesses in vitro. It was determined that by minute 120 of the contact with blood, the largest amount of protein is had been absorbed by the anastomoses performed using the Prolene thread – 112 µg/cm2. Heparinmediated modification made it possible to dramatically decrease the amount of the absorbed proteins. On the anastomoses performed with TiNi, additional treatment with heparin lead to an inconsiderable decrease in the protein amount.
When identifying the absorbed proteins, we revealed dependence on the type of the suture material and modifica tion with heparin. After a 60minute contact with blood in the area of the anastomosis made with TiNi, absorbed were: albumin, immunoglobulins A, G, and transferrin. When using the Prolene thread, fibrinogen was noted to join. Additional heparinization exerted a favourable effect on the sorption processes in the area of the anastomosis wherein predominantly albumin and immunoglobulins A and G are predominantly absorbed.
The parameters of the peak values and the rate of blood platelet aggregation were minimal in the area of the anastomo ses done with TiNi with an additional treatment with heparin.
KEY WORDS: anastomosis zone, effect of suture material, absorption of blood proteins, aggregation of blood platelets.
P. 116-117
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