Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2009 • VOLUME 15 • №4
Transcutaneous laser coagulation in treatment of venous forms of angiodysplasias
Dan V.N., Sapelkin S.V., Golovyuk A.L., Timina I.E., Lossik I.A.
Department of Vascular Surgery State Federal Facility «A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery» under the Russian Federal Agency for High-Technology Medical Care, Moscow, Russia
Presented herein is the authors’ experience with transcutaneous laser coagulation (TLC) used for treatment of variouslocalization venous angiodysplasias in a total of twenty-one patients. Also described are the issues concerning the methodology involved and the course of the operational procedure. The main criteria used while analysing the outcomes of TLC were the clinical patterns and the findings of duplex scanning. Good to satisfactory results were eventually observed in 71.4% of the patients. Based on the outcomes obtained after TLC, the authors worked out the principles of appropriate practical application of laser-mediated technologies in patients presenting with venous angiodysplasias.
KEY WORDS: venous angiodysplasias, transcutaneous laser coagulation.
P. 67
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