Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2010 • VOLUME 16 • №4
Karimov Sh.I., Tursunov B.Z., Sunnatov R.D., Irnazarov A.A., Keldiyarov B.K., Аkhmatov А.М., Yulbarisov А.А., Аsrarov U.А., Аlijanov Kh.K.
Department of faculty and hospital surgery of medical faculty, Tashkent medical academy,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The most effective way of preventive maintenance of sharp and chronic disturbances of brain blood circulation are reconstructive operations on branches of an arch of an aorta. Pathological deformation meets far quite often in clinical practice and is the reason of cerebral-vascular insufficiency of various degree, including ischemic strokes.
Research objective – improvement of diagnostics and tactics of treatment of the patients with pathological deformation of carotid arteries.
132 patients have entered into research with various kinds of pathological deformation. Have been made 143 reconstructive operations. Indications to operative treatment revealed by means of duplex investigation and angiography. At the same time defined hemodynamic changes on carotids with an obligatory estimation of a condition intracranial vascular channel. By the indication to operative treatment of the given category of patients it is considered: hemodynamic significant pathological deformations of an internal carotid, pathological deformation of an internal carotid in a combination with embologenal plaque, pathological deformation of an internal carotid with all types of atherosclerotic plaques narrowing a vessel gleam on 60% and more, in the presence of symptoms of cerebral-vascular insufficiency, especially at transient ischemic attacks and at an ischemic stroke.
Positive clinical effect has been reached at 100% of patients with I and II degree chronic vascular-brain insufficiency, at 80,6% of patients with chronic vascular-brain insufficiency of III degree, and at 45,8% of patients which in the anamnesis have transferred sharp infringement of brain blood circulation.
KEY WORDS: pathological deformation, sharp infringement of brain blood circulation, chronic vascular-brain insufficiency.
P. 108-115
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