Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2015 • VOLUME 21 • №3
Use of a biological graft for subclavian-femoral bypassing in patients at operational-anaesthesiological risk
Sukovatykh B.S.1, Belikov L.N.2, Rodionov O.A.2, Rodionov A.O.1
1) Chair of General Surgery, Kursk State Medical University,
2) Vascular Surgery Department, Municipal Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care, Kursk, Russia
Analysed herein are the results of an experimental study performed on 30 rabbits and a clinical study of treating a total of 60 patients presenting with critical ischaemia of lower limbs on the background of bilateral atherosclerotic lesions of the aortoiliac segment and running high operational-anaesthesiological risk. The animals were subdivided into three groups: an intact group consisting of 6 animals and two study groups comprising 12 rabbits each. In the first study group onto the wall of the abdominal aorta we implanted a synthetic polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis, the second study group animals received biological graft “Kemangioprotez” from bovine internal thoracic arteries.
The biological prosthesis on day three after implantation onto the arterial wall induced 3.2 times and on day seven 1.2 times more pronounced inflammatory reaction than the polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis. 30 days after implantation of the synthetic graft the degree of repair connective-tissue processes in the arterial wall was 1.8-fold and 70 days after was 3.3-fold more pronounced than after implantation of the biological prosthesis at the same terms. In the connective-tissue capsule around the synthetic prosthesis predominated cellular elements while around the biological prosthesis – fibrous structures predominated. The patients were subdivided into 2 groups consisting of 30 patients each. In Group One patients the shunt used was a synthetic polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis, in Group Two being a biological graft from bovine internal thoracic arteries. All patients suffered from severe concomitant diseases in the decompensation stage and a multi-level lesion of lower-limb arteries. Revascularization of the ischaemized extremity was carried out through the system of the deep femoral artery system. The use of a biological prosthesis made it possible in the immediate postoperative period to decrease the frequency of early postoperative complications by 13.3%, that of late graft thromboses by 30%, to prolong the average term of grafts functioning 1.8-fold, to increase the physical component of health by 12.8% and the mental one by 9.1%.
Conclusion. For femorosubclavian shunting in high-risk patients it is appropriate to use a biological graft while establishing a distal anastomosis with the deep femoral artery.
KEY WORDS: atherosclerosis obliterans, critical ischaemia, subclavian-femoral bypass grafting, polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis, biological graft from bovine internal thoracic arteries.
P. 147
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