Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2019 • VOLUME 25 • №1
In-hospital outcomes of transcutaneous coronary intervention and carotid endarterectomy in hybrid and staged regimens
Kazantsev A.N.1, Tarasov R.S.1, Burkov N.N.1, Volkov A.N.2, Grachev K.I.3, Yakhnis E.Ya.3, Lider R.Yu.3, Shabaev A.R.2, Barbarash L.S.1
1) Research Institute for Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases,
2) Kemerovo Regional Clinical Cardiological Dispensary named after Academician L.S. Barbarash,
3) Kemerovo State Medical University of the RF Ministry of Public Health, Kemerovo, Russia
The aim of this study was comparative assessment of in-hospital outcomes after hybrid and staged surgical management of patients presenting with haemodynamically significant lesions of the coronary (CA) and brachiocephalic arteries (BCA) treated by means of either endovascular or surgical techniques.
Over the period from 2010 to 2017, we operated on a total of 197 patients with stenotic lesions of the carotid and coronary arteries. The strategy of revascularization included transcutaneous coronary intervention (TCI) and carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Of these, 73 (37%) patients underwent staged revascularization of the brain and myocardium in various sequence (TCI-CEA or CEA-TCI), with a mean interval between the operations amounting to 9.89±7.36 months. Unfavourable outcomes were regarded as the development of such significant cardiovascular events as myocardial infarction (MI), acute impairment of cerebral circulation, death, repeat unplanned revascularization. For hybrid strategy (TCI+CEA) the index period of assessing the outcomes was the single in-hospital period, whereas for the staged strategy it was the time period beginning from the in-hospital period of the primary operation and ending by the in-hospital period of the second stage.
The groups were comparable by the absolute majority of the parameters. More than half of the patients were elderly males. One third had a history of MI. The findings of coronary angiography most often revealed lesions of 1-2 CAs. The average parameters of carotid artery stenosis, according to the BCA angiography varied from 74.9 to 82.6%, with bilateral occlusive stenotic lesions being revealed in every third patient. In connection with more frequent involvement of 1-2 CAs the patients underwent implantation of 1-2 stents. In our sample we used a total of 247 stents. Of these, 119 were uncoated and 128 were drug-eluting stents. No between-group significant differences in the development of unfavourable cardiovascular events during the in-hospital postoperative period were revealed. However, despite this, a pronounced negative tendency of the complication rate was noted in the group of staged revascularization. Non-optimal time intervals between the stages of the operations in a third of cases exceeded one year on the patient’s own initiative. Nearly a quarter of patients did not come for the second stage of revascularization.
An important finding of our study was no increase in the risk of stent thrombosis in hybrid operations compared with the staged approach, despite administration of a loading dose of clopidogrel after CEA, but not before TCI. Another significant result was the fact of greater availability of revascularization of the myocardium and the brain within the framework of the hybrid strategy as compared with the staged one, which may play an important role in prevention of ischaemic unfavourable events in the remote period of follow up.
KEY WORDS: carotid endarterectomy, transcutaneous coronary intervention, hybrid revascularization, staged revascularization, in-hospital outcomes.
P. 108
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