Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2011 • VOLUME 17 • №1


Ignatiev I.M., Bredikhin R.A., Volodyukhin M.Yu., Akhmetzyanov R.V., Mikhailov M.K.
Department of Vascular Surgery Interregional Clinical and Diagnostic Centre Kazan State Medical Academy under the Russian Public Health Ministry, Kazan State Medical University,
Kazan, Russia

The authors share herein their first experience gained in stenting for stenosing and occlusive lesions of the iliac-femoral segment veins, reporting the outcomes of treating a total of thirteen patients subjected to balloon angioplasty and stenting of iliac veins for chronic venous obstruction. While treating non-thrombotic venous lesions, stenting was successfully performed in 100% of the patients concerned. In post-thrombotic lesions therapeutic outcomes were successful in 9 (75%) patients. No immediate postoperative complications were observed.

The remote results were followed up in eleven out of the 13 patients. Patency within the terms up to 16 months amounted to 81.1%. Clinical improvement was noted in 12 (92.3%) patients. According to the VCSS scale, there was a reliable decrease in the intensity of chronic venous insufficiency manifestations along all parameters. The integral index decreased from 6.56±0.71 to 4.45±0.65 (t=3.82, p<0.002). The malleolar volume decreased from 275.3±6.7 to 241.6±6.1 mm (t=12.3, p<0.001).

Hence, angioplasty and stent-grafting of iliofemoral veins turned out to be a minimally invasive, safe, and highly efficient therapeutic modality. The efficacy of the procedure was confirmed by a considerable improvement of the limb’s condition and good remote results concerning patency of the reconstructed segments of the venous bed. Endovascular methods may be considered as a promising modality of treatment for this patient cohort.

KEY WORDS: balloon angioplasty and stent grafting of iliac veins, post-thrombotic disease, extravasal venous compression.

P. 102

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