Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2011 • VOLUME 17 • №2
Therapeutic cellular angiogenesis in treatment of peripheral artery diseases
Khorev N.G., Elykomov V.A., Zaloznyi D.A.
Chair of Faculty Surgery of the State Educational Facility of Higher Professional Education «Altai State Medical University under the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development»,
Non-governmental Public Heath Facility «Barnaul Railway Clinical Hospital» Chair of Haematology and Transfusiology of the State Educational Facility of Higher Professional Education «Altai State Medical University under the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development»,
Barnaul, Russian Federation
High incidence of peripheral artery disease and limited possibilities of either open or endovascular methods of treatment, as well as low efficacy of medicamentous treatment of this pathology compel the professionals concerned to search for new methods of treatment aimed at improving the condition of the distal arterial bed, decreasing peripheral resistance and stimulating the development of the capillary network. One of the possible ways to solve this problem is the use of cellular technologies for stimulating angiogenesis. This novel and rather promising method consists in using autologous cell therapy in treatment of peripheral arterial diseases.
KEY WORDS: peripheral artery diseases, autologous cell therapy, mononuclear cells, stimulation of angiogenesis.
P. 44
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