Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2011 • VOLUME 17 • №4
Microfoam truncal scleroobliteration in varicose disease
Sapelkin S.V.
Department of Vascular Surgery State Federal Facility «AV Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery» under the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Analysed herein are present-day views on using the technique of scleroobliteration of major veins (particularly, microfoam scleroobliteration) in treatment for varicose disease. Based on the analysis of literature data, attempts are made to systematize the indications for such interventions, underlying advantages and disadvantages of the technique, and analysing possible complications. A conclusion is drawn that the remote results of microfoam scleroobliteration are inferior to those of the currently popular thermal obliterating techniques. However, this method of treatment may under certain conditions be used to remove the truncal reflux.
KEY WORDS: varicose disease, scleroobliteration, microfoam form.
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