Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №1
Endovasal obliteration of the main subcutaneous veins – a mechanism of action
Shaidakov E.V.1, Ilyukhin E.A.2, Petukhov A.V.3
1) Clinic of Surgery of Advanced Medical Training No 1 named after P.A. Kupriyanov under the Military Medical Academy,
2) Clinic «Medalp»,
3) Clinic of Phlebology and Medical Cosmetology «Artmedia», St. Petersburg
Active dissemination implementation of endovascular methods has during the past decade been a progressive tendency of the development of surgical treatment management of varicose disease. Amongst these methods, endovasal laser obliteration in Russia occupies the leading place. Despite widespread implementation of this method into clinical practice still there are neither common concepts on the mechanisms of action of laser energy, inducing lesions of the venous wall followed by obliteration, nor, consequently, criteria for administration thereof. The search for an optimal method and mode of intravascular intervention is based on studying the mechanisms of the damaging action of laser energy on the venous wall. The article contains a literature review of the studies dedicated to investigating the mechanisms of action of endovasal methods of treatment for varicose disease.
KEY WORDS: endovasal laser obliteration, mechanism of action, varicose disease.
P. 156
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