Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №1
Informative value of various methods of radiodiagnosis of anastomotic pseudoaneurysms after reconstructive operations on lower-limb major arteries
Staroverov I.N.1, Lonchakova О.M.1, Lavlinskii S.N.2
1) Chair of Vascular Surgery of the Department for Postgraduate Medical Education under the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy
2) Department of Functional Diagnosis of the Regional Clinical Hospital, Yaroslavl, Russia
The work was aimed at determining and comparing sensitivity and specificity of various methods of radiodiagnosis of anastomotic pseudoaneurysms after reconstructive operations on the aortic-iliac-femoral segment. The authors identified and analysed the findings of examination of 87 patients presenting with anastomotic false aneurysms following the above-mentioned interventions (with the incidence rate amounting to 5.9%), having diagnosed a total of 105 cases of the formation of false aneurysms of proximal and distal anastomoses. The diagnosis was made using of the following methods: ultrasonographic duplex scanning (USDS), selective contrast- enhanced angiography (CEA), spiral and multispiral CT angiography (SCTA and MSCTA), and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Sensitivity and specificity of the methods employed were determined in relation not only to their ability to detect anastomotic pseudoaneurysms but also to identify different characteristics thereof with due regard for the number of the true positive (TPR), true negative (TNR), false positive (FPR), and false negative (FNR) results. Comparing the findings of the comprehensive examination of the patients demonstrated that all methods of the study, except for selective angiography (sensitivity of 85.7%) yielded high sensitivities and specificities in diagnosis of false aneurysms.
KEY WORDS: anastomotic false aneurysm, methods of radiodiagnosis, specificity, sensitivity.
P. 49
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