Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №1
Diagnosis and treatment of varicose disease of small pelvic veins
Bredikhin R.A.1,2, Ignatiev I.M.1,2, Fomina E.E.1, Volodyukhin M.Yu.1,2, Gaptravanov A.G.1, Mikhailov M.K.3
1) Interregional Clinical and Diagnostic Centre,
2) Kazan State Medical University
3) Kazan State Medical Academy, Russia, Kazan, Russia
The study was based on the findings of examination and treatment of fifty-four 19-to-55 year-old female patients (mean age 35.3±73 years) presenting with varicosity of small pelvis veins.
Of these, seventeen women with stenosis of the left renal vein were subjected to the following reconstructive operations on small pelvis veins: creating proximal ovarian-iliac anastomoses – 10 procedures, establishment of sapheno-ovarian anastomoses – 5 operations, one procedure of prosthetic repair of the left renal vein and one operation of transposition of the left renal vein. All interventions were completed with resection of the distal segments of the ovarian vein.
A further 19 women with idiopathic reflux along the ovarian veins underwent uni- or bilateral embolization thereof, with multi-stage embolization of the branches of the internal iliac vein performed in one patient.
The remaining eighteen endured the following interventions: unilateral resection of the left ovarian vein performed in twelve cases (3 endoscopic operations), bilateral resection in four cases (3 endoscopic resections). In seven cases the operations were supplemented with microphlebectomy of the varicosely altered perineal veins. Two patients underwent operations of crossectomy and resection of the pathologically altered internal pudendal vein.
Five-year follow up showed that good-to-satisfactory results were obtained in 45 (83.3%) cases, with a disease relapse revealed in seven cases.
KEY WORDS: varicose disease of small-pelvis veins, aortic-mesenteric compression syndrome, ovarian vein.
P. 69
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