Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №2
Modern methods of comprehensive management of patients with varicose disease relapsing after surgical interventions
Gavrilenko A.V., Vakhratyan P.E.
Department of Vascular Surgery В. V. Petrovsky Russian Research Centre of Surgery, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Despite progress achieved by Russian phlebology in diagnosis and treatment of lower-limb varicose disease, the latter remains the most commonly encountered pathology of the vascular bed.
Treatment for varicose disease includes a series of unsolved as yet problems, the main of which being a relapse of varicose disease after surgical interventions.
The authors share herein their experience gained in using comprehensive methods while managing varicose disease relapses, also describing the technique of the procedures performed and analysing certain technical variants thereof.
KEY WORDS: varicose disease, relapse, comprehensive treatment.
P. 97-100
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