Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №3
Semi-closed endarterectomy from aortic-iliac-femoral segment
Maitesyan D.A., Papoyan S.A., Abramov I.S.
14th Department of Vascular Surgery Municipal Clinical Hospital №15 named after О.M. Filatov, Moscow, Russia
Presented herein is a review of the literature dedicated to extended semi-closed endarterectomy from the aortoiliac segment. Considered in the article are historical data concerning the development of semi-closed loop endarterectomy, also showing present-day approaches to revascularization of the arteries of the aortofemoral zone. Also given are indications for and contraindications to surgical management and the data on immediate and remote outcomes of semi-closed endarterectomy, which are not inferior to the classical aortofemoral reconstructions. The advantages of this method are as follows: a minimally traumatic nature, a possibility to be performed in patients presenting with severe concomitant pathology, and no use of synthetic materials.
KEY WORDS: semi-closed endarterectomy, lower limb chronic ischaemia, aortofemoral.
P. 152
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