Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №3
Therapeutic angiogenesis in treatment of patients with chronic obliterating diseases of lower limb arteries
Chervyakov Yu.V.1, Staroverov I.N.1, Nersesyan E.G.1, Isaev A.A.2, Deev R.V.2
1) Department of Surgical Surgery, Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital, Chair of Surgery, Yaroslavl State Medical Academy, Yaroslavl, Russia
2) Institute of Human Stem Cells, Moscow, Russia
The authors share their experience gained in realization of the concept of «therapeutic angiogenesis» by means of the first Russian gene therapeutic agent Neovasculogen in comprehensive treatment of patients with stage II-III chronic obliterating disease of lower limb arteries (CODLLA) according to the Pokrovsky-Fontain classification. A total of 45 patients were treated. The findings were assessed and analyzed depending on the stage of chronic lower limb ischaemia. The clinical results including such measures such as the pain-free walk (PFW), ankle/brachial index (ABI), transcutaneously determined oxygen tension (TDOT), linear blood velocity (LBV) were followed up for 2 years. All patients were found to have good tolerance and at terms up to 2 years, and no side effect or complications were revealed. Patients with stage IIB of the disease after one year demonstrated statistically significant results suggesting improved blood circulation in the ischemized lower limbs after using the agent according to the indices of PFW, TDOT, LBV (p<0.05). In stage III of the disease? significant results were observed for PFD and TODT (p<0.05). Considerable part of patients with stage IIB and III CODDLLA (84.4%) showed increased physical capabilities for ambulation at the expense of considerably increased PFW (p<0.01). It was observed that using the agent was enough for obtaining a persistent satisfactory result preserving for not less than one year, with 50% of patients from stage IIB and 16.7% from stage III transferred to stage IIA of the disease. The effect of treatment persisted during the second year of follow up.
KEY WORDS: therapeutic angiogenesis, atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries, Neovasculgen, clinical study.
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