Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №3
Compression therapy as a method of choice in treatment of chronic diseases of lower limb veins
(materials of a multicenter prospective clinical trial)
Vardanyan A.V.1, Zhukov B.N.2, Burleva E.P.3, Melnikov M.A.2, Belova A.D.4, Suprunova N.V.5
1) Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education under the RF Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Chair of Surgery with a Course of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery, Moscow, Russia
2) Samara State Medical University under the RF Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Chair of hospital Surgery, Research Institute «Non-ionizing Radiations in Medicine», Samara, Russia
3) Uralian State Medical Academy under the RF Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Chair of General Surgery, Ekaterinburg, Russia
4) Central Municipal Hospital № 2 of Ekaterinburg, Outpatient Department, Ekaterinburg, Russia
5) Central Municipal Hospital № 7, Outpatient Department, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Aim. To assess safety, clinical efficacy, and the level of patients’ compliance for compression knitted panty-hose VENOTEKS THERAPY Clinic 2 article 203 in therapy of chronic venous diseases (CVD).
Materials of the study. Sixty 18-to-65-year-old female patients with C2-C4 CVD according to the CEAP classification.
Methods of the study: clinical, laboratory, instrumental.
Results of the study. Dynamic clinical follow up and instrumental methods of examination confirmed statistically significant efficacy of the knitted fabric VENOTEX 2 class compression as a means of therapy for CEAP C2-4 CVD. Laboratory study of hemostasiologic parameters demonstrated compensatory normal coagulation. Lack of cases of individual intolerance or unfavorable effects of the compression items suggests safety. Both physicians and patients gave a positive assessment concerning efficacy and consumer properties of the item studied.
Conclusion. Based on the results of studying compression, the knitted fabric VENOTEX class 2 compression may be recom-mended as a safe, effective and comfortable means of therapy and prevention of CVD.
KEY WORDS: compression knitted fabric, chronic venous diseases, legometry, volumetry, ultrasonic duplex scanning (USDS), compliance.
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