Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №4
Rational minimally invasive nature in surgical reconstructions of the abdominal aorta. Review of literature and own experience
Feiskhanov A.K.1, Maksimov A.V.1,2, Plotnikov M.V.1,2, Mayanskaya S.D.2
1) Department of Vascular Surgery, Republican Clinical Hospital under the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Tatarstan
2) Chair of Cardiology and Angiology, Kazan State Medical Academy of the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development, Kazan, Russia
Based on a meta-analysis of the literature and own experience in a total of 490 reconstructions of the aortofemoral segment using a miniapproach, the authors carried out a comparative analysis of the main minimally invasive methods employed for treatment of the pathology concerned.
KEY WORDS: abdominal aorta, aortofemoral segment, minimally invasive operations.
P. 119
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