Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2016 • VOLUME 22 • №4
Endoprosthetic repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, complicated by ischaemic necrosis of the sigmoid colon
Ignatyev I.M.1, Volodyukhin M.Yu.1, Zanochkin A.V.1,2, Gizatullina N.F.1, Rafikov A.Yu.1
1) Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Centre, Course of Cardiovascular Surgery,
2) Chair of General Pathology, Kazan State Medical University under the Public Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia
Presented herein is a clinical case report regarding treatment of a patient after endovascular prosthetic repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, complicated by ischaemic necrosis of the sigmoid colon. This is followed by analysing the causes of the development of the complication, as well as by a brief review of the literature concerning this problem.
KEY WORDS: abdominal aortic aneurysm, endovascular prosthetic repair, ischaemia of the colon, colonoscopy, ischaemic necrosis of the sigmoid colon.
P. 163
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