Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2017 • VOLUME 23 • №1
Von Korff questionnaire in assessment of social disadaptation and therapeutic results in women with pelvic varicose veins
Gavrilov S.G.1, Lebedev I.S.2, Son D.A.2, Turishcheva O.O.1
1) Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov,
2) Municipal Clinical Hospital No 1 named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia
Objective. The present study was conducted to examine the possibilities of the Von Korff questionnaire in assessing the impact of pelvic pain on social activity and working ability of women with pelvic varicose veins (PVV) and evaluating the results of treatment of the pathology involved.
Patients and methods. The Von Korff questionnaire was administered in a total of 80 women presenting with PVV in order to assess the results of conservative and surgical treatment of PVV.
Results. Using the Von Korff questionnaire made it possible to objectively evaluate the psychosocial impact of chronic pelvic pain (CPP). It was determined that in 56 patients the presence of PVV and CPP was accompanied by a low level of social disadaptation and formation of grade I disability. 24 women were found to have moderate and high levels of social disadaptation and grade II–IV disability. Studying the outcomes of conservative and surgical treatment of PPV as assessed by means of the Von Korff questionnaire demonstrated high efficacy of the therapeutic techniques used. In patients subjected to surgical interventions, the CPP degree decreased from 7.6±0.9 to 1.6±0.9 points, the level of social disadaptation fell from 2.8±0.6 to 0.5±0.3 points, and the grade of disability decreased from 2.9±0.4 to 0.8±0.4, which may be regarded as complete restoration of social activity.
Discussion. The Von Korff questionnaire used in our study made it possible to objectively evaluate the impact of CPP related to pelvic varicose veins on formation of social disadaptation in women and a decrease in their working ability. In the general structure of the disease, 75% of women appeared to have a low level of social disadaptation and grade I disability, with a third having grade II, III and IV disability and a moderate-to-high level of social disadaptation. In 25% of women, the determined degree of disability averagely amounted to 2.9±0.4, thus suggesting their significant social disadaptation.
Conclusion. The carried out study showed that the Von Korff questionnaire is an objective and demonstrative tool of clinical determination of the severity of pelvic varicose veins, as well as the effect of CPP on both everyday and social activity of women suffering from the pathology concerned.
KEY WORDS: pelvic varicose veins, chronic pelvic pain, Von Korff questionnaire, working ability, social disadaptation.
P. 102
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