Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2017 • VOLUME 23 • №4
Use of local thrombolysis in patients with massive pulmonary thromboembolism and moderate-to-severe pulmonary hypertension
Klevanets Yu.E., Karpenko A.A., Shilova A.N.
P. 12
Antithrombotic therapy after bypass grafting below the inguinal ligament
Kazakov Yu.I., Lukin I.B., Sokolova N.Yu.
P. 19
Influence of autophagy on the genesis and development of atherosclerosis and its risk factors
Sazonova M.A., Sinev V.V., Karagodin V.P., Ryzhkova A.I., Galitsina E.V., Barinova V.A., Zelinyi R.I., Nikitina N.A., Orekhov A.N.
P. 23-28
Assessment of endothelial dysfunction for prevention of complications in patients with lesions of peripheral arteries
Pokrovsky A.V., Kulbak V.A., Kremenchugskaya T.A., Fedorov E.E.
P. 34
Method of preventive ultrasound diagnosis of venous thrombosis
Ignatiev I.M., Zubarev A.R., Gradusov E.G., Yupatov E.Yu., Krivosheeva N.V.
P. 41
Endovascular interventions in treatment of patients with acute impairment of mesenteric blood circulation
Khripun A.I., Salikov A.V., Mironkov A.B., Pryamikov A.D.
P. 48
Endovascular treatment of acute mesenteric ischaemia in thrombosis of superior mesenteric artery
Shchegolev A.A., Papoyan S.A., Mitichkin A.E., Gromov D.G., Ishevsky A.G., Chevokin A.Yu., Mutaev M.M.
P. 54
Hybrid intervention for a multilevel aneurysmatic lesion of the aorta in a patient with multifocal atherosclerosis
Kochkina K.V., Sidorenko A.V., Myznikov A.V., Usik G.A., Shtark A.A., Kochkina T.A., Pustovoitov A.V., Protopopov A.V.
P. 59
Experience with using cyanoacrylate glue in endovascular treatment of varicose veins
Shaidakov E.V., Meltsova A.Zh., Porembskaya O.Ya., Kudinova E.A., Korzhevsky D.E., Kirik O.V., Sukhorukova E.G.
P. 67
Venous thromboembolic complications in patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices
Kalinin R.E., Suchkov I.A., Shitov I.I., Mzhavanadze N.D., Povarov V.O.
P. 74
Vein morphology after endovenous laser coagulation at different power and similar linear density of energy
Fokin A.A., Borsuk D.A., Kazachkov E.L., Gorelik G.L., Bagaev K.V.
P. 80
Conservative treatment of chronic diseases of lower limb veins: major risks of poor patient compliance
Golovanova O.V., Kuznetsov A.N.
P. 87
Hybrid treatment of patients with aneurysms and dissections of the aortic arch and descending portion of the thoracic aorta
Shlomin V.V., Gordeev M.L., Zverev D.A., Shloido E.A., Uspenskiy V.E., Zvereva E.D., Bondarenko P.B., Puzdryak P.D.
P. 97
Carotid revascularization in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Significance of chronic hyperglycaemia
Tanashyan M.M., Skrylev S.I., Antonova K.V., Medvedev R.B.
P. 106
Simultaneous operation in a patient with stenosis of the extracranial portion and an intracranial aneurysm of the internal carotid artery
Kazantsev A.N., Tarasov R.S., Anufriev A.I., Burkov N.N., Shabaev A.R., Ruban E.V.
P. 111
Aneurysmal lesions of the extracranial segment of the internal carotid artery
Sinkov M.A., Shushpannikov P.A., Khaes A.B., Vakkosov K.M., Ganyukov V.I.
P. 116
Secondary reconstructions after endovascular treatment of a woman with critical lower limb ischaemia
Gavrilenko A.V., Kravchenko A.A., Shatalova D.V.
P. 121
Peculiarities of vitalization of grafts made of porous polytetrafluoroethylene in reconstruction of major veins (an experimental study)
Voskanyan S.E., Shabalin M.V., Volkov А.V., Kolyshev I.Yu.
P. 128-133
Myocardial protection during left-ventricular reconstruction in patients with an ejection fraction below 30%
Bazylev V.V., Rosseikin E.V., Kobzev E.E., Evdokimov M.E.
P. 139
Treatment of a woman with phlegmasia cerulea dolens complicated by massive pulmonary thromboembolism and intestinal haemorrhage
Belousov E.Yu., Soroka V.V., Fomin K.N.
P. 146
Urapidil as a drug of choice for decreasing arterial pressure in surgical practice
Ilyin S.A.
P. 158
Method of forming a distal anastomosis with an autovenous cuff
Shalashov A.G.
P. 163
Remote results of open surgical and endovascular treatment of internal carotid artery stenoses
Vinogradov R.A., Pykhteev V.S., Lashevich K.A.
P. 170
Varicose veins of small pelvis as a cause of vulvar varicosity and varicose veins of lower extremities
Gavrilov S.G., Temirbolatov M.D.
P. 180
On the problem of lumbar sympathectomy
Kalmykov E.L., Suchkov I.A., Niematzoda O.N.
P. 185
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