Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2017 • VOLUME 23 • №1

Effect of actovegin and solcoseryl on microcirculation in experimental critical lower limb ischaemia

Orlova A.Yu., Sukovatykh B.S., Artyuskova E.B., Gordov M.Yu.

Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia

The authors examined the effect of actovegin and solcoseryl on microcirculation parameters in treatment of experimental critical lower limb ischaemia.

The study included a total of 130 male Wistar albino rats divided into four groups: intact, control, first and second study groups. The intact group consisted of 10 animals used for assessment of the normal indices of microcirculation, with the remaining three groups comprising 40 rats each. All animals, except the intact ones, were subjected to modelled critical ischaemia of a hind limb. The control group animals received no treatment, with the rats of the first and second study groups given intraperitoneal actovegin and solcoseryl, respectively, at a dose of 50 μg/kg first injected 3 hours after the operation and then once daily for five days. The level of microcirculation in the murine crural muscles was assessed by means of laser Doppler flowmetry on postoperative days 5, 10, 21 and 28. At the same time intervals, we performed histological examination of the ischaemized muscles, determining the level of microcirculation, the level of arteriovenular shunting, the area of necrosis and capillary network density.

It was determined that actovegin and solcoseryl exerted a positive effect on formation of new capillaries in the ischaemized muscles, increasing density of the capillary network, decreasing arteriovenular shunting, increasing the level of microcirculation, decreasing the specific area of muscular tissue necrosis.

The obtained findings showed advantages of actovegin over solcoseryl by the dynamics of the parameters of microcirculation, arteriovenular shunting, and capillary network density.

KEY WORDS: lower limb critical ischaemia, experimental study, microcirculation, actovegin, solcoseryl.

P. 36

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