Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2017 • VOLUME 23 • №3
Outcomes of open endovascular operations on the internal carotid artery in acute stage of ischaemic stroke
Khripun A.I.1, Pryamikov A.D.1,2, Mironkov A.B.1,2, Tyurin I.N.2, Asratyan S.A.2, Suryakhin V.S.2, Simonov O.V.2, Sazhina O.A.2, Mikhailenko V.P.2
1) Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov,
2) Municipal Clinical Hospital named after V.M. Buyanov, Moscow, Russia
Introduction. The authors share their experience in diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute ischaemic stroke.
Patients and methods. The study included a total of 33 patients. Of these, 20 patients (Study Group) were operated on at terms ranging from 2 to 7 days after onset of acute cerebral circulatory impairment. The Control Group was composed of 13 patients with ischaemic stroke, having refused surgical prevention of recurrent stroke. Both groups were matched by age, gender, level of neurological deficiency and size of cerebral ischaemic foci. Surgical management in the Study Group consisted in either carotid endarterectomy (n=15) or stenting of the internal carotid artery (n=5). Depending on the severity of coronary artery lesion and the presence of accompanying therapeutic pathology, options of operative treatment with various anaesthesiological support were offered.
Results. At discharge, neurological deficit in the Study Group patients was lower – 1.2 points by the NIH Stroke Scale versus 2.7 points in the Control Group, however, this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.45). In the Study Group there were two complications: haematoma of the postoperative injury requiring its revision and a transient ischaemic attack during stenting of the internal carotid artery, having disappeared on the operation table after the distal cerebral protection device was removed. Significantly better results were obtained by the following parameters: in the Study Group the number of patients discharged with no neurological deficit (scoring 0 by the NIHSS scale) was significantly higher compared with the Control Group; 50% vs 7.7% (p<0.001). There were no lethal outcomes in either group. One patient (7.7%) from the Study Group developed recurrent ischaemic stroke, whereas neither intra- nor postoperative stroke was registered in the Control Group patients (p<0.001).
Conclusions. In carefully selected patients with ischaemic stroke (neurological deficit not exceeding 3 points by the Rankin scale and not more than 11 points by the NIHSS, with the size of the ischaemic focus not exceeding 4 cm), surgical prevention of recurrent stroke within 7 days after the onset of an ischaemic event may be performed effectively and safely. Early operation effectively prevents relapsing ischaemic events at the in-hospital stage. Besides, reconstruction of brachiocephalic arteries during an acute stage of stroke in operated patients improves the neurological status in the postoperative period, decreases the degree of motor and sensory disorders and makes it possible in half of patients to completely eliminate neurological deficit present at admission.
KEY WORDS: ischaemic stroke, early carotid endarterectomy, early stenting of the internal carotid artery.
P. 118
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