Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2018 • VOLUME 24 • №1
Present-day possibilities of non-invasive control over microcirculation and metabolism in man
Fedorovich A.A.1,2, Bagdasaryan A.G.3,4, Uchkin I.G.3,4, Soboleva G.N.5, Boytsov S.A.5
1) National Medical Research Centre for Preventive Medicine under the RF Ministry of Public Health,
2) Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
3) Russian University of Friendship of Peoples,
4) Central Clinical Hospital No2 named after N.A. Semashko of the Open Joint-Stock Company "Russian Railways",
5) National Medical Research Centre of Cardiology under the RF Ministry of Public Health, Moscow, Russia
The main function of the microcirculatory bed consists in maintaining tissue homeostasis at an optimal level irrespective of the effect of various external and internal factors. Of all types of metabolism (diffusive, filtration-reabsorption and vesicular), directly dependent on the haemodynamic parameters is filtration-reabsorption metabolism which provides exchange of water, low-molecular-weight and water-soluble substances at the opposite to the heart «pole» of the cardiovascular system. The present study was aimed at testing a hypothesis that activation of metabolic processes in man would be accompanied by alterations in haemodynamic parameters which may be registered by means of modern non-invasive methods of examination, i.e., laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) and computer-assisted capillaroscopy (CCS). We used actovegin as an activator of metabolic processes. The study included acute pharmacological testing in apparently healthy volunteers (n=28), a course of taking actovegin in patients with cognitive dysfunctions on the background of arterial hypertension (n=60) and in patients with chronic ischaemia of the lower limbs (n=80).
The obtained findings of LDF and CCS demonstrated that the known metabolic effects of actovegin (improved utilization of oxygen and glucose by tissues) were accompanied by an increase in the number of functioning capillaries, increased velocity of capillary blood flow with a decrease in the degree of hydration of the interstitial space, thus reducing the "blood-cell" distance for nutrients and products of tissue metabolism. Improvement of capillary blood flow was determined by a decrease in the tonicity of the capillary sphincters, thus leading to reduced arteriolar-venular shunting of blood with predominant supply to the capillary bed, improved NO-mediated regulation of the value of the lumen of the precapillary arterioles by the microvascular endothelium, improved reaction of resistant microvessels to various dilatation stimuli. The obtained results make it possible to draw a conclusion that modern non-invasive methods of study of human microcirculation (LDF and CCS) are informative not only for assessment of the functional state of the microcirculatory bed of the skin but make it possible to evaluate efficacy of the filtration-reabsorption mechanism of metabolism.
KEY WORDS: microcirculation, metabolism, laser Doppler flowmetry, capillaroscopy, actovegin.
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