Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2018 • VOLUME 24 • №3
Surgical correction of retroaortic position of the left renal vein
Mukhamadeev I.S.1, Oborin A.A.2
1) Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Perm Regional Clinical Hospital,
2) Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner, Perm, Russia
Described herein is a variant of surgical reconstruction performed in a male patient with a retroaortic position of the left renal vein by means of creating a vein-allograft-vein configuration. Unfortunately, to date, there are no generally accepted recommendations on proper treatment of patients presenting with similar pathology. A situation wherein it is impossible to create an intervenous anastomosis (because of a significantly altered portion of the vein and prestenotic dilataion) dictates the necessity of searching for new variants of surgical management.
KEY WORDS: renal vein abnormalities, retroaortic course of the renal vein, prosthetic repair, allograft.
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