Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2020 • VOLUME 26 • №2
Results of treatment with oral anticoagulants in patients with lower limb deep vein thrombosis
Polyantsev A.A., Frolov D.V., Linchenko D.V., Shchelokova Yu.V., Litvinova T.A., Diyachkova Yu.A.
Department for General Surgery and Urology, Volgograd State Medical University of the RF Ministry of Public Health, Volgograd, Russia
Analysed herein is the incidence rate of decompensated forms of venous insufficiency in patients who endured lower limb deep vein thrombosis and were prescribed either warfarin, rivaroxaban in therapeutic doses or rivaroxaban in a preventive dose.
The study enrolled a total of 129 patients presenting with thrombotic lesions of deep veins of the lower limbs. The patients were divided into three groups depending on the anticoagulant therapy prescribed. Patients of the first and second groups for 6 months received warfarin and rivaroxaban, respectively, in therapeutic doses, and group three patients continued taking rivaroxaban in a therapeutic dose for a long time.
Results. Eighteen (36%) patients from the first group and two (4.5%) patients from the second group discontinued taking the anticoagulant before the scheduled date. Relapses of venous thromboembolic complications were observed in 11 (22%) group one patients and in 7 (15.9%) group two patients, with no relapses observed in the third group. Negative dynamics of the ultrasonographic picture was observed in two groups: 16% of group one patients and 9.1% of group two patients were found to develop signs of damage of previously unaltered veins or occlusion of a previously patent vein after endured thrombosis without clinical manifestation. Trophic disorders were observed in a third of patients of the first group and in one patient of the second group by the fourth year of follow up. None of the third group patients developed trophic ulcers. Statistically significant differences in the examined groups were obtained for such parameters as adherence to treatment and the degree of severity of venous insufficiency, in favour of rivaroxaban, with quality of recanalization being significantly better in the third group.
A conclusion was drawn that prolonged preventive administration of new oral anticoagulants did not lead to the development of decompensated forms of venous insufficiency.
KEY WORDS:warfarin, rivaroxaban, acute venous thrombosis, recanalization.
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