Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2020 • VOLUME 26 • №4
Pokrovsky A.V.
90 years from the date of a birth
P. 8
Carotid intima media thickness is in a relation to risk factors for coronary artery disease
Mancheva М., Paljoskovska-Jordanova S., Bosevski M.
P. 14-16
Mönkeberg’s sclerosis: role of calcification in arterial lesions in patients with diabetes mellitus
Kulikova A.N., Tolstokorov A.S., Larin I.V.
P. 22
Modern strategy to improve remote results of surgical treatment of peripheral artery disease
Svetlikov A.V., Ishpulaeva L.E.
P. 31
Ways of limbs salvage in postoperative period of treatment of complications of diabetic foot syndrome
Krivoshchekov E.P., Elshin E.B., Romanov V.E., Alyapyshev G.S., Rodnyansky D.V.
P. 41
Effect of the type of a coronary stent on dynamics of quality of life in patients with ischaemic heart disease
Sukovatykh B.S., Sukovatykh M.B., Polyansky D.V.
P. 48
Immediate and remote results of endovascular embolization of ovarian veins
Akhmetzyanov R.V., Bredikhin R.A., Ignatyev I.M.
P. 60
Hybrid treatment of total thrombosis of the inferior vena cava
Silaev A.A., Epifanov S.Yu., Shcherbatyuk K.V., Kolomeichenko N.A., Dvoryanchikova V.A., Avrusina E.K.
P. 69
Glycocalyx as a determining factor in development of endothelial venous dysfunction and possibilities of correction thereof
Shevchenko Yu.L., Stoiko Yu.M., Gudymovich V.G., Chernyago T.Yu.
P. 77
Treatment of patients with a cerebral arterial aneurysm and stenosis of the internal carotid artery
Khripun A.I., Asratyan S.A., Pryamikov A.D., Mironkov A.B., Suryakhin V.S., Gulina L.D.
P. 84
Carotid endarterectomy in a patient with bilateral restenosis of stents in internal carotid arteries
Kazantsev A.N., Burkov N.N., Chernyavsky M.A., Chernykh К.P.
P. 89
Robotic-assisted operations for pathology of the aortoiliac segment: own experience
Saaya Sh.B., Rabtsun A.A., Popova I.V., Gostev A.A., Cheban A.V., Ignatenko P.V., Starodubtsev V.B., Karpenko A.A.
P. 96
Significance of the deep femoral ertery in repeat reconstructions
Gavrilenko A.V., Kotov A.E., Lepshokov M.K., Mamedova N.M.
P. 107
Remote results of Florida Sleeve technique in patients with ascending aortic aneurysms and aortic insufficiency
Khvan D.S., Sirota D.A., Zhulkov M.O., Lyashenko M.M., Chernyavsky A.M.
P. 113-118
Early surgical myocardial revascularization as an effective method of treating patients with acute coronary syndrome
Shneider Yu.A., Tsoi V.G., Fomenko M.S.
P. 126-131
Coronary artery bypass grafting in myocardial infarction and unstable angina pectoris: analysis of perioperative factors. Part 1
Nishonov A.B., Tarasov R.S., Ivanov S.V., Barbarash L.S.
P. 140
Clinical results of cardiac valve repair with bicuspid full-flow mechanical prosthesis «MedEng-ST»
Abdulyanov I.V., Vagizov I.I., Kaipov A.E.
P. 148
Total laparoscopic retrieval of a cava filter: case series
Mozgovoy P.V., Zyubina E.N., Spiridonov E.G., Vorobiev A.A., Mandrikov V.V., Zharkin F.N., Lukovskova A.A., Ufimtsev V.S.
P. 154
Surgical treatment of a huge paraganglioma of the right common carotid artery bifurcation
Shlomin V.V., Khrustalev M.I., Puzdryak P.D., Bondarenko P.B., Yurtaev Yu.A., Shloido E.A., Senotrusov O.V., Cheplygin V.S., Oboev K.N.
P. 159
Influence of age factor and age-associated predictors on remote results of coronary artery bypass grafting
Adilova I.G., Abdurakhmanov M.M., Abdurakhmanov Z.M.
P. 167
Current problems of simultaneous surgery of the aortic valve and ischaemic heart disease
Komarov R.N., Kleshchev P.V.
P. 174
Reperfusion syndrome: state of the art
Matveev D.V., Kuznetsov M.R., Matveev A.D., Evteev A.V., Fedorov E.E.
P. 183
Development of surgery of the heart and great vessels in Rassia during the first half of the 20th century
Morgoshiya T.Sh., Sergeeva G.P.
P. 191
Saratov period of life of Alexander Nikolayevich Bakulev (to his 130th birthday)
Tsarev O.A., Zakharov N.N., Gorokhov S.V.
P. 196
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