Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №2
Comparative analysis of arterial bioprostheses with various antithrombotic modification
Barbarash L.S., Burkov N.N., Kudryavtseva Yu.A., Anufriev A.I., Zhuravleva I.Yu.
Scientilie Research Institute for Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases under the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia
The present study was aimed at comparing the results of remote patency ol arterial bioprosthcses «KemAngioprosthesis» in infrainguinal position with various antithromhotic modification. We analyzed the outcomes in a total of 133 patients who were subdivided into two groups: Group I (n=91) underwent implantation of hioprostheses with antithrombotic modificalion by non-fractionated heparin. and Group II (n=42) received prostheses treated with low-molecular-weight heparin «Clexane». Patients of the both groups underwent comprehensive analysis of the haemostatic system, blood plasma lipid spectrum, as well as duplex scanning of the prosthesis. 39 (42.9%) Group I patients and 6 (13.6%) Group II patients were found to have developed thromboses. Besides, 14 (I5.4%) Group I patients were diagnosed as hawing restenosis of the anastomosis site, with this complication observed in 3 (7.3%) Group II patients. The results of the analysis demon-strated better remote patency of bioprostheses with antithromhotic modification by low-molecular-weight heparin «Clexane». Dyna-mic follow up of the patients made it possible to carry out timely correction of medicamentous therapy, as well as at early stages to reveal restenosis of anastomoses followed by endovascular correction.
KEY WORDS: arterial bioprosthesis, thrombosis, restenosis.
P. 21-25
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