Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2013 • VOLUME 19 • №3

Comparative study of the results of using stagewise open interventions and single-step hybrid operations in patients with coronary artery disease accompanied by lesions of carotid arteries

Bazylev V.V., Rosseikin E.V., Shmatkova M.G., Voevodin A.B.

Federal Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery under the Russian Federation Public Health Ministry, Penza, Russia

The authors describe herein the technique of a hybrid single-stage intervention performed in patients presenting with coronary artery disease (CAD) combined with carotid artery atherosclerosis, as well as comparing the outcomes of using similar operations with the results of stagewise open interventions within a 30-day postoperative period. High risk for the development of severe and not uncommonly fatal complications both in the carotid basin and coronary bed determines difficulty of therapeutic decision-making regarding this patient cohort. This problem has been the subject of study and discussion in both Russian and foreign literature for more than two decades. However, none of the currently existing techniques has yet been accepted as an optimal one. The hybrid approach is a relatively novel technique, with the number of publications describing its application being only sporadic. The present article demonstrates significantly better immediate results of using the hybrid technique, thus suggesting that it may well be considered as an alternative to the classical approaches, requiring however further studies.

KEY WORDS: carotid endarterectomy, coronary artery bypass grafting, carotid artery stenting, stagewise open interventions, hybrid operation.

P. 115

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