Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2016 • VOLUME 22 • №4
Results of using various methods of autovenous femoropopliteal bypass grafting below the knee-joint fissure
Sukovatykh B.S.1, Belikov L.N.2, Sukovatykh M.B.1, Sidorov D.V.1, Inarkhov M.A.1, Inokhodova E.B.2
1) Kursk State Medical University,
2) Municipal Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care, Kursk, Russia
The objective of the study was to improve therapeutic outcomes in patients presenting with lower limb critical ischaemia by means of optimizing the technique of femoropopliteal bypass grafting.
The authors analysed the results of comprehensive examination and treatment of a total of 90 patients presenting with critical lower limb ischaemia on the background of atherosclerotic lesions of arteries of the femoropopliteal and crural segments. Depending on the technology of performing femoropopliteal bypass grafting, the patients were subdivided into three groups each consisting of 30 subjects. The groups were comparable by gender, age, concomitant diseases, degree of damage to arteries of the femoro-popliteal-crural segment, and the state of the distal vascular channel. Group One patients underwent conventional autovenous bypass grafting with a reversed great saphenous vein. Group Two patients endured surgery according to the "in situ" technique. Group Three patients were subjected to an original technology of bypass grafting using a free autovenous graft with destroyed valves without reversion of the vein.
It was demonstrated that the use of a free autovenous transplant with destroyed valves increased the volumetric blood flow through the shunt in the remote postoperative period 2.4-fold as compared with the reversed vein and 1.7-fold as compared with the "in situ" autovein. The proposed technique of femoropopliteal bypass grafting made it possible in the immediate postoperative period to decrease the rate of early postoperative complications by 23.4% as compared with the option of using the reversed vein and by 13.3% as compared with the "in situ" technique, as well as to lower the incidence rate of late shunt thromboses by 40 and 13.3%, respectively, and the number of limb amputations by 30 and 6.7%, respectively.
The use of a free autovenous graft with destroyed valves is pathogenetically justified and makes it possible to optimize the results of treatment of patients.
KEY WORDS: atherosclerosis, lower limb critical ischaemia, femoropopliteal bypass grafting, autovein, volumetric blood flow.
P. 143
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